[Inside Whissel Realty] Providing Agent Leverage Profitably with COO Chris VanderValk

[Episode 2 in the Inside Whissel Realty series on Real Estate Team OS]

From head of acquisition for an eliminated partnership program to ISA team builder to EOS integrator and hands-on COO to eyes-on/hands-off COO, Chris VanderValk has seen and contributed a lot to Whissel Realty Group brokered by eXp Realty in San Diego.

In this conversation, he walks the line between criticism and positivity, explains how the Agent Concierge Experience team and new Agent Advisory Board help agents, talks through lead sources, and describes how and why they left the cap model and allowed agents to claw back splits through GCI.

 A top theme: creating more leverage for agents.

A primary lens: “We have to make this so valuable people can’t leave - period.”

A result: the #1 real estate team in San Diego and consistently a top team in the nation and in eXp Realty globally.

Watch or listen to this Inside Whissel Realty episode with Chris for insights into:
- Improving processes and results through a culture of “hyper criticism with positivity”
- The arrival into and evolution of the COO role and the EOS process (including a layoff, a resignation letter, and a democratic process)
- How and why they’re launching an Agent Advisory Board (including interviewing, selecting, tasking, and rewarding the agents)
- Ways to enhance agent productivity in a profitable way (including their ACE or Agent Concierge Experience team)
- How and why they successfully transitioned from a cap model to a no cap model and uniquely allow agents to claw back splits through GCI tiers
- A rundown of top lead sources from open houses to the “belle of the ball” (Zillow Flex)
- Enhancing agent leverage in 2025 through changes to the ACE and ISA teams
- Why the traditional job of a real estate agent is “illogical”

At the end, the fun and relaxing nature of catching, cleaning, cooking, and eating halibut and corvina.

Chris VanderValk:
- https://www.instagram.com/chris_vandervalk/
- https://whisselrealty.com/
- https://thewhisselway.com/thewhisselway

[Inside Whissel Realty] Providing Agent Leverage Profitably with COO Chris VanderValk
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