[Inside Whissel Realty] The Agent Concierge Experience

[A bonus episode in the Inside Whissel Realty series on Real Estate Team OS]

Before we bring you two of Whissel Realty Group’s top-performing agents to close the series, we’re highlighting one of the most important themes you’ve heard from the team.
 A key lesson in the series: providing agent leverage profitably.
 A unique way they bring it to life: the ACE Team (Agent Concierge Experience).
 In this short, jam-packed episode, get the philosophy, strategy, and tactics behind the ACE Team, including specific tips for working more effectively with virtual assistants.
 CEO Kyle Whissel
 - The three things they want agents doing most often
 - The leverage they provide to make that happen
 - The way they do it profitably and equitably

COO Chris VanderValk
 - The macro trend that requires a team to provide agent leverage
- The specific value the ACE Team adds to the sales funnel
- The importance of the team providing this leverage, rather than agents providing it themselves

Director of Operations Shannon Youssefi
- The core services provided by the ACE Team
- The lessons she learned hiring the initial VA to building a 25-member international team

At the end, hear from our two final guests in the Inside Whissel Realty series - Adrian Quijano (who’s tripled unit sales for three years straight and is pacing to do it again this year) and Karlee VanDyke (who’s closed $45M in volume in her first two years with the team).
[Inside Whissel Realty] The Agent Concierge Experience
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